
Welcome to the FreeSO blog! Here the main contributors (currently only me…) will post development updates and information on official events.
Hopefully we can bring back TSO together!
Welcome to the FreeSO blog! Here the main contributors (currently only me…) will post development updates and information on official events.
Hopefully we can bring back TSO together!
Just out of curiosity, who were there around this table and the two other Bob at the right of this screenshot ?
This screenshot is from the first ever playtest. It’s obviously hard to tell who is who… cos they’re all bob.
I think I was sitting at that table. Can’t remember which seat though.
My video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXfS8OoxCaU, Shows the first day of the play test (And weirdly my first ever time on TSO) so refer to that and try and work out who each of you were 🙂